De-risk assessment: Model Based FDIR design
Programme Reference
Prime Contractor
Start Date
End Date

The technical objectives of the full activity are i) to develop a model-based FDIR design tool allowing to support the FDIR design workflow, and ii) to build specific assets for performing FDIR early validation and verification analysis through ad-hoc simulation or model checking. The de-risk activity (the current activity) focuses on the end-to-end Model Based solution to assist FDIR engineers in the various steps of the design of the FDIR of a spacecraft
Today, spacecraft FDIR (Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery) design is a time-consuming and error prone paper-based workflow, which does not help mastering the growing complexity of the space systems, and which mostly prevents early validation and verification of the design. Adequacy of the FDIR design is often assessed very late in the process (integration and test phase), sometimes even after the launch of the spacecraft (FDIR parameter tuning). FDIR engineers face every day challenges like ensuring the alignment of the FDIR Design with regard to the system design, the reliability requirements, or the suppliers information or like optimizing the FDIR concepts with regard to mission objectives and operational concepts. Definition of a Model-Based FDIR Design process, based on a defined Model-Based System Design process. Specification of the Model-Based FDIR Design toolset (Capella/Sirius viewpoints). Prototyping of the toolset (8/11 viewpoints developed) Proof of Concept of a Data Hub Connector.Assessment of the tooled methodology on an operational use-case (PLATO). Emergence of the so-called “digital continuity” which promises to significantly reduce the Non-Quality Costs. Reduction of development costs (zero-doc, no duplication of information ) and planning (reduced time-to-market, agility, load-balancing of the effort all along the lifecycle). Capability to cope with more and more complex systems (increased autonomy, reduced impact of failures on the mission, …). A follow-on activity will allow to work on the validation and verification assets, leveraging on the results of the de-risk activity. The budget of this follow-on activity is estimated to 350k€ and its duration to 1 year. In parallel, further steps will consist in the complete development of the toolset, so-as to prepare operational deployment.
Application Domain
Generic Technologies
Competence Domain
9-Digital Engineering
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Public Document
Final Presentation
Executive Summary