Implementation of a Linear Variable Filter based Hyperspectral focal plane for Earth Observation Instruments

This study is part of a series of development undertaken by the Agency to demonstrate the feasibility of miniaturized hyperspectral instruments for mini- and nano-satellites. The emerging technologies of Freeform optics provide important advantages in terms of performances and system integration for such instrument. The objective of the study was to to validate an innovative freeform grating spectrometer design through the manufacturing and performance test of a full functional breadboard.
Small Satellite is a very attractive strategy for developing national or regional hyperspectral missions. Its low cost and rapid implementation are also valuable advantages when considering satellites constellations that can ensure the high temporal resolution required for precision agriculture and natural resources management.
Through this GSTP, a breadboard of a medium spectral resolution Spectro-imager (2.5 nm bandwidth), called ELOIS (Enhanced Light Offner Imaging Spectrometer), has been manufactured and tested to confirm the achievement of the challenging design specifications.
In parallel, CAELESTE, have completed the design and layout of a dedicated 2048 x 265 pixels Backside illuminated CMOS detector optimized for Hyperspectral imaging in the Visible and Near-Infrared.
The associated Read-out Electronic has been developed by DELTATEC. This has been manufactured and tested with a sensor emulator.