10 results found Select / deselect all results (all pages, 10 total) Experimental Setup for POCKET protocol on Proba-2 N/A Belgium GSTP G637-001TFi QINETIQ SPACE NV 2017 - 2023 Experimental Setup for POCKET protocol on Proba-2 Modelling capsule stability accounting for shape change The design of a re-entry vehicle and the analysis of its performance are extremely challenging tasks. The difficulties increase when the understanding of its transient behaviour is sought and grow even further if this transient is affected by uncontrolled phenomena such as the shape change caused by the ablation of the thermal protection material used as heat shield. Belgium TDE T718-402MP VON KARMAN INSTITUTE 2017 - 2021 Modelling capsule stability accounting for shape change Battery-Less Low Temperature Avionics and System Study Many types of science missions focus on Solar System targets with harsh thermal environments, such as Mars, the Moon, asteroids, comets, and other bodies at the fringes of the Solar System. Traditional spacecraft avionics rely on the storage of electrical energy in electrochemical systems (typically secondary batteries) for covering peak energy demands and periods where no electrical energy is generated (Lunar/Martian/cometary night, etc.). Belgium Discovery 15/002 SPACE APPLICATIONS SERV. S.A./N.V 2017 - 2020 Battery-Less Low Temperature Avionics and System Study Lunar spectral irradiance measurement and modelling for absolute calibration of EO optical sensors Earth observation by satellites provides essential datasets for a wide range of commercial, societal and scientific applications. Satellites have been observing the state of the environment since the launch of the radiation balance instrument on Explorer 8 in October 1959, and over the last 60 years the range of observation types and applications has grown exponentially. Today operational long-term sustained Earth observation programmes, exemplified by the Copernicus Sentinels, give a wide range of users reliable environmental information services. Belgium Discovery 15/026 Vito 2017 - 2019 Lunar spectral irradiance measurement and modelling for absolute calibration of EO optical sensors Life test campaign of the MELiSSA Black Water Treatment Breadboard For 20 years, ESA has developed technologies in all the main Life Support areas: air and water recycling, waste management, food production, contaminants measurement and control. These technologies have reached different levels of development. Belgium GSTP G613-025MM KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT TE LEUVEN 2017 - 2019 Life test campaign of the MELiSSA Black Water Treatment Breadboard GreenSat Due to the harsh nature of outer space, stringent requirements and performances are required from space systems. Thanks to evolving environmental awareness and the building up of a knowledge base at ESA, we are becoming more wary of the environmental impact of space activities on Earth. Through the GreenSat project, ESA wants to evolve from the assessment to reduction of environmental impact through redesigning an existing satellite mission. The project allows ESA to check the feasibility of implementing ecodesign in the development of space missions. Belgium Discovery 15/033-b Vito 2017 - 2019 GreenSat Test of LVF Based algorithms on a Compact Huperspectral Imager (COSI) Hyperspectral instruments based on Linear Variable Filters (LVF) have been subject of development of TRP activities such as the Compact Hyperspectral Breadboard activity (a.k.a. CHIB) and also the activity dealing with focal plane direct deposited detector filters with high peak transmittance and out of band rejection (a.k.a. Fidelheo). These instruments are also addressed in the on-going GSTP activity, Technologies and Key Components for Compact Hyperspectral Instruments, (a.k.a. CHIEM). ; Belgium GSTP G637-010MM VITO VL.INST.TECHN.ONDERZOEK 2017 - 2019 Test of LVF Based algorithms on a Compact Huperspectral Imager (COSI) Automated Service Builder for Semantic Service Oriented Architectures (ASB) N/A Belgium GSTP G511-022GR SPACE APPLICATIONS SERV. S.A./N.V. 2017 - 2018 Automated Service Builder for Semantic Service Oriented Architectures (ASB) New Microwave Sampling Concepts for Future TT&C Architectures In summary, this activity used simulated and analysed parameters for each component to define the requirements for each application. For the flight model, the most important parameters are power consumption, cost and mass of the components. The power consumption and mass of components are acquired from the datasheets. Since space qualification is needed for these components the cost estimation is a difficult task. For example, even for the passive component the price difference between non-qualified, qualifiable and qualified devices is rather high. Belgium Discovery 15/006 Antwerp Space 2017 - 2018 New Microwave Sampling Concepts for Future TT&C Architectures Local sleep episodes during wakefulness and long term space travel The aim of this study was to assess how space travel modifies local sleep episodes in wakefulness during a visuo-motor task and weather this is related to performance. To this end, specific EEG (electroencephalogram) data previously recorded on board the ISS during the Neurospat experiment (AO-2004, 118) were used. Belgium Discovery 17/A/02 UNIVERSITE LIBRE DE BRUXELLES 2017 - 2018 Local sleep episodes during wakefulness and long term space travel Filter by Programme Discovery (5) GSTP (4) TDE (1) Filter by Start Year (-) 2017 (10) Filter by End Year 2019 (4) 2018 (3) 2020 (1) 2021 (1) 2023 (1) Filter by Keywords 37-Exploration Technology (1) absolute calibration (1) Amplifier (1) Ariadna (1) Astronaut (1) Battery (1) battery-less (1) brain (1) CleanSat (1) CleanSpace (1) Communication (1) Energy Storage (1) Human spaceflight (1) ISS (1) low temperature (1) moon calibration (1) optical sensor calibration (1) radiometric calibration (1) Sleep (1) THA (1) Filter by Contractor Vito (2) Antwerp Space (1) KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT TE LEUVEN (1) QINETIQ SPACE NV (1) SPACE APPLICATIONS SERV. S.A./N.V (1) SPACE APPLICATIONS SERV. S.A./N.V. (1) UNIVERSITE LIBRE DE BRUXELLES (1) VITO VL.INST.TECHN.ONDERZOEK (1) VON KARMAN INSTITUTE (1) Filter by Country Belgium (10) Filter by Application Domain Generic Technologies (5) Exploration (3) Earth Observation (2) Filter by Technology Domain 16 - Optics (2) 2 - Space System Software (1) 4 - Space Systems Environments and Effects (1) 8 - System Design & Verification (1) 9 - Mission Operation and Ground Data Systems (1) 12 - Ground Station Systems and Networks (1) 14 - Life & Physical Sciences (1) 18 - Fluid Dynamics (1) 21 - Thermal (1) 22 - Environmental Control & Life Support (ECLS) and In Situ Resource Utilisation (ISRU) (1) 23 - Electrical, Electronic and Electro-mechanical (EEE) Components and Quality (1) 24 - Materials and Manufacturing Processes (1) 26 - Others (1) Filter by Competence Domain 3-Avionic Systems (2) 5-Radiofrequency & Optical Systems and Products (2) 6-Life & Physical Science Payloads, Life Support, Robotics & Automation (2) 1-EEE Components, Photonics, MEMS (1) 4-Electric Architecture, Power and Energy, EMC (1) 7-Propulsion, Space Transportation and Re-entry Vehicles (1) 8-Ground Systems and Mission Operations (1) 9-Digital Engineering (1) Filter by Activity Status Closed (10)